Texas Car Museums
Last Update: 02/01/2025
The definitive list of all Texas car museums, train museums and military museums.
MOTOR Texas has spent a great deal of time curating an extensive list of Texas museums that any gearhead or transportation enthusiast would enjoy! You will find museums that feature classic cars, antique automobiles, military vehicles and airplanes, art cars, trains, motorcycles and more!
Because most museums are non profit organizations they usually don't have much of an advertising budget. They rely heavily on word of mouth, and us, automobile enthusiasts.
MOTOR Texas is here to get the word out and help all museums thrive! We want current and future generations to see the progress of engineering and also see the beauty of automobile design that is just as elegant and beautiful today as it was in the day.
A car museum is a great destination for a Texas road trip.
If you want to see Texas automobile museums continue, and to even thrive, please share this page. It is the easiest, and most powerful thing you can do to support the future of automobile museums in Texas.
Texas Automobile Museum Guide
Before diving in to the list of car museums I want to share another resource.
I created a guide called The Ultimate North Texas Car Museum Road Trip Guide that features four car museums that are relatively close together, at least in Texas miles. If you are looking for car museums around the Dallas Fort Worth area, you will appreciate this guide!
The Ultimate North Texas Car Museum Road Trip Guide
Texas Automobile Museum List
This list contains ALL Texas Car museums, and many other museums of interest to auto enthusiasts, such as military museums and train museums.
NOTE: This list is SORTED by CITY name.
Twelfth Armored Division Memorial Museum
"The primary mission of the United States Twelfth Armored Division Memorial Museum will be to serve as a display and teaching museum for the study of World War II and its impact on the American people."
1289 N. 2nd Street, Abilene, TX 79601
(325) 677-6515
Cavanaugh Flight Museum
"The Cavanaugh Flight Museum is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization devoted to promoting aviation studies and to perpetuating America's aviation heritage; the museum fulfills its mission by restoring, operating, maintaining and displaying historically-significant, vintage aircraft, and by collecting materials related to the history of aviation." -cavanaughflightmuseum.com
Cavanaugh Flight Museum
4572 Claire Chennault
Addison, TX 75001
Photo courtesy of Cavanaugh Flight Museum.
RV Museum
The RV Museum is part of Jack Sisemore Traveland RV dealership.
The Sisemore’s have been collecting and restoring unusual vintage RVs for years. Some of the RV’s in their collection include the Flxible Bus from the movie RV (Released 2006. Starring Robin Williams), the 1st Itasca motor home ever built, the oldest Fleetwood in existence and many other RVs from the 30s through the 70s.
"Step back in time, reminisce and enjoy the progression of the RV industry from its inception till now."
The museum is free to the public and is open Monday – Saturday 9-5.
Sisemore Traveland
4341 Canyon Drive
Amarillo, TX
Hangar 25 Air Museum
Hangar 25 Air Museum is housed in a fully restored WWII era hangar. Often our museum is staffed by retired veterans and civil service employees who are ready to share their memories of the hangar when it was a hub of activity, first, during WWII as a part of the Big Spring Bombardier School and later as a part of Webb Air Force Base, supporting the training of over 10,000 pilots from 1952 to 1977.
Hangar 25 Air Museum is a Big Spring, Texas community icon, focused on displaying the proud heritage of a great city and educating our fellow citizens of all ages, on the military traditions that have been such an important part of local history.
Hangar 25 Air Museum
Big Spring, Texas
Image source: hangar25airmuseum.org
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
Photo courtesy Panhandle-Plains historical Museum
The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum is a world-class museum housed in a 200,000 square foot complex on the West Texas A&M University campus in Canyon, Texas.
They have many exhibits including a permanent transportation exhibit.
"Few things reflect a culture more than its transportation, and that is as true of life on the Panhandle Plains as anything else. From a big-wheeled bike from the late 19th century to the automobiles of the 1960s, this exhibit is always a favorite. Highlights include one of the oldest Ford automobiles in existence: a 1903 Ford Model A Runabout (#28 of only 1708 produced) and the oldest assembly line vehicle in the world."
Yelp Reviews
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
2503 4th Ave
Canyon, Texas
Clifton Classic Chassis
Clifton Classic Chassis is a 20,000 sq. ft. classic automobile museum located in Clifton, Texas. Clifton, Texas is about 35 miles north west of Waco, and is a perfect attraction for a daytrip from Waco.
Clifton, Texas is about 35 miles north west of Waco.
Clifton Classic Chassis
406 W 5th (downtown across from Post-office)
Clifton, TX, 76634
Edwin Olsen Railroad Museum
The Edwin Olsen Railroad Museum is owned by the City of Clifton.
The depot building was constructed in 1901 for the AT&SF railroad. It closed in 1983. In 1984 it was moved to its current location where it served as the headquarters for the police department until about 2010.
The depot building was renovated and opened as a museum in May 2017.
"The museum has a multitude of exhibits including various Santa Fe dining car china patterns and other serving items and a host of other rail memorabilia including kerosene lanterns, timetables, photos, train orders and many other items such as a drumhead from the AT&SF Ranger and a late 1880's potbelly stove. The focus is on the AT&SF but with some items from other railroads that serviced Texas and nearby communities such as the Missouri Pacific, the Katy and the Southern Pacific."
Edwin Olsen Railroad Museum
204 N. Avenue E
Clifton, Texas
Open 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month
10am to 2pm
Special tours are available on request through the City of Clifton city office.
Filed under Clifton Railroad Museum Texas.
Museum of the American GI
"The Museum of the American G.I. was established in February 2001 as a 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation. The Museum of the American G.I. began with an inventory of multiple award winning artifacts of American military history. One of the goals of the museum is to be a repository of restored, working military vehicles used by the United States and to display the vehicles in action."
Museum of the American G.I.
19124 Highway 6 South
College Station, Texas 77845
Photo credit: americangimuseum.org
Terrill Antique Car Museum
At the Terrill Antique Car Museum, you'll find cars such as a 1941 Packard, a 1915 REO Speedwagon – 3/4 ton truck, a 1927 Pierce Arrow touring car, a 1931 Studebaker, Series 54, Six Cylinder Regal Tourer, a 1929 Model A Ford Roadster, and a rare 1901 Coffin steam car, created by Howard Earle Coffin. The Coffin steam car spent 34 years in the Henry Ford Automobile Museum.
The Terrill Antique Car Museum is located in De Leon, Texas. De Leon is about 100 miles south west of Fort Worth, and about 100 miles north west of Waco.
Terrill Antique Car Museum
500 N. Texas St
De Leon, Texas 76444
(254) 893-3773
War Eagles Air Museum
The War Eales Air Museum, located at the Dona Ana County Airport, features a collection of more than 30 military and civilian aircraft of the World War II-Korean War period, most of them flight-worthy, and over 40 classic or historic automobiles.
8012 Airport Road
Santa Teresa NM 88008
Depot Museum
The museum has rotation exhibits and permanent exhibits on the development of Elgin and an Area Veterans Display in the old ticket office starting with area Veterans from the Texas Revolution.
The Elgin Depot Museum
Depot Square @ Main & Depot Streets
Call 512-285-2000 or email ElginDepot@gmail.com
Open five days a week from 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays, Mondays and some holidays.
Photo courtesy www.elgintx.com
Vintage Flying Museum
"The primary mission of the Vintage Flying Museum, a Texas 501C(3) Non Profit, is to preserve America's flying heritage in Word, Deed and Action. Over 200 members now support these efforts. Twenty aircraft are on exhibit including several which are extremely rare and historic. Additional displays include a dedicated reciprocal and jet engine room, an FAA Aviation Education Resource Center, WWII memorabilia and artifact exhibits, a unique aircraft model exhibit and gift shop. One of our greatest achievements and contributions to the community is the development of our aviation education programs. Since 1993, the Vintage Flying Museum, in collaboration with the Federal Aviation Administration, has been offering the Dallas/Fort Worth Community a broad-based series of educational programs. These programs include aviation summer camps for middle and high school students, aviation workshops for teachers, and "Take Flight Days", (a 1-day aviation experience for elementary students)."
- Description from Vintage Flying Museum
Vintage Flying Museum
505 NW 38TH ST. Hangar 33 South
Fort Worth, Texas 76106
Phone (817) 624-1935
Fax (817) 624-2840
Image source vintageflyingmuseum.org
Pacific War Museum
"The National Museum of the Pacific War is the only institution in the continental United States dedicated exclusively to telling the story of the Pacific Theater battles of World War II. Located on a six-acre site, the Museum includes the George Bush Gallery, Admiral Nimitz Museum, Pacific Combat Zone, Plaza of Presidents, Memorial Courtyard, Japanese Garden of Peace, and (opening soon) the Nimitz Education and Research Center."
Museum of the American Railroad
Founded in 1962, the Museum of the American Railroad is a not-for-profit Texas corporation dedicated to celebrating the heritage and exploring the future of railroads through historic preservation, research, and educational programming.
Galveston Railroad Museum
Located in Galveston, Texas the Galveston Railroad Museum is a complex of historic facilities and unique attractions.
Lone Star Flight Museum
"The Lone Star Flight Museum is a 501(c)(3) aviation museum and STEM learning center with a mission to preserve, educate and inspire. Led by CEO Lt. Gen. (ret) Douglas H. Owens, LSFM’s new $38 million state of the art facility at Houston’s Ellington Airport opened September 16, 2017. In addition to the Texas Aviation Hall of Fame, the 130,000 square foot facility houses the Museum’s renowned flying collection of historic aircraft, a $1 million, high-tech Aviation Learning Center and dynamic hands-on exhibits. LSFM’s vision is to be a world-class educational museum linking an understanding of the past with inspiration for the future."
Lone Star Flight Museum
11551 Aerospace Ave.
Houston, TX 77034
Image source: lonestarflight.org
Roadside America Museum
Roadside America Museum is a private collection of memorabilia from the 1940s-1950s. The collection is housed in an old Ford dealership.
Owner, Carroll Estes, started his advertising memorabilia collection about 1975. In 2005 Carroll purchases an old Ford Dealership building in Downtown Hillsboro, which now houses his memorabilia and car collection.
Carroll has been a member of Dallas Area Street Rod Association since 1972 and a member of Lone Star Street Rod Association (state organization) since 1974.
To see the collection, call the number below and ask for Carroll Estes.
One of the best times to visit is during the annual Elm Street Rod Run held in early summer.
Hillsboro is about 60 miles south of Dallas/Fort Worth and about 36 miles north of Waco.
Roadside America Museum
212 E Elm St, Hillsboro, TX 76645
Phone:(972) 291-2958
Image courtesy roadsideamericatx.com
1940 Air Terminal Museum
"The 1940 Air Terminal Museum is housed in the original art-deco Houston Municipal Airport building at present-day William P. Hobby Airport. The Museum showcases the rich heritage of civil aviation, including the airlines, general aviation and business aviation. Exhibits include Houston's fascinating aviation history."
1940 Air Terminal Museum
8325 Travelair Street
Houston, Texas
Image source: 1940airterminal.org
Art Car Museum
The Art Car Museum is a private institution dedicated to contemporary art. It is an exhibition forum for local,national and international artists with an emphasis on art cars, other fine arts and artists that are rarely, if ever, acknowledged by other cultural institutions. The museum’s goal is to encourage the public’s awareness of the cultural, political, economic and personal dimensions of art.
Visit the website here
National United States Armed Forces Museum
"The National United States Armed Forces Museum is a Military Historic Landmark located in heart of Houston! The museum is open to the public five days a week from Wednesday to Sunday and is handicap accessible. Special tours may be arranged."
The Fire Museum of Houston
"The Houston Fire Museum, a non-profit organization established in 1980, preserves the heritage of firefighting services in Houston and encourages civic engagement by sharing stories of the people and events that have shaped our communities."
Power Wagon Museum
Paul Cook started the Kempner POWER WAGON Museum to display his collection of incredible Dodge military and civilian four wheel drive trucks. He wanted to share his trucks and his knowledge about them.
The Kempner POWER WAGON Museum
168 FM 2808 Corner of US 190
Kempner, Texas
PAUL COOK, Owner/Curator
Visit the website here!
Pioneer Flight Museum
Image Credit - pioneerflightmuseum.org
The Pioneer Flight Museum is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and reproduction of aircraft and other historical artifacts from the beginning of flight to the early years of WWII.
They are a living history museum, and keep as many of the aircraft, vehicles, and artifacts in working order as they can.
The Pioneer Flight Museum usually has Spring and Fall air shows. Check out their events calendar for dates.
Tours are available by appointment, please call (830) 639-4162.
Visit the website here!
Pioneer Flight Museum
190 Pershing Lane
Kingsbury, TX
American Wind Power Center
"A Museum for the American Style Water Pumping Windmill and Related Exhibits on Wind Electric. The purpose of the AMERICAN WIND POWER CENTER, as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, is to interpret the relations of humans, the environment and technology through the medium of a museum of wind power history."
-American Wind Power Center
American Wind Power Center
1701 Canyon Lake Drive
Lubbock, Texas 79408-4908
Buddy Holly Center
"The Buddy Holly Center, a historical site, has dual missions; preserving, collecting and promoting the legacy of Buddy Holly and the music of Lubbock and West Texas, as well as providing exhibits on Contemporary Visual Arts and Music, for the purpose of educating and entertaining the public. The vision of the Buddy Holly Center is to discover art through music by celebrating legacy, culture and community."
-Buddy Holly Center
One interesting aspect of the buddy holly center is that it is housed in what used to be the Fort Worth and Denver Railway train station built in 1928.
As cars replaced train travel the depot was eventually abandoned in 1953. After many years of neglect it was turned into a restaurant in 1976.
The City of Lubbock wisely purchased the building in 1997. After renovating and expanding the building it was recently reopened as the Buddy Holly Center. The center houses an extensive collection of Buddy Holly memorabilia, art exhibits, and a gallery that showcases West Texas musicians.
The buddy holly center hosts several events each year. The most obvious events, and I would guess, the most popular are:
- The Day The Music Died - February 3rd
- Buddy's Birthday Bash - September 7th
Buddy Holly Center
1801 Crickets Avenue
Lubbock, TX 79401
Silent Wings Museum
"The Silent Wings Museum, a public institution, preserves and promotes the history of the World War II military glider program by creating an environment for collecting, documenting, interpreting and exhibiting artifacts and information for public education and enjoyment."
Silent Wings Museum
6202 N. I-27
Lubbock, TX 79403-9710
Phone Number: (806) 775-3049
Photo Credit: Silent Wings Museum
Petroleum Museum
The Petroleum Museum has welcomed over one million visitors worldwide. It shares the petroleum and energy story and its impact on our daily lives through educational programs, interactive exhibits, an Archives Center and its Petroleum Hall of Fame.
New Braunfels Railroad Museum
The New Braunfels historic railroad and modelers society (NBHRMS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of railroad artifacts and education. Our group is made up of a diverse cross section of interests relating to railroading. These interests include railroad history, the collection of artifacts for the museum, model railroading in HO and N scales and railfanning.
Within the museum is a variety of artifacts and historical photographs from the golden age of railroading. Many are related to the New Braunfels operations of the I-GN, MOPAC and MKT railroads.
Open Thursday thru Monday 12 to 4 pm.
Admission is free and donations are accepted.
Located in downtown New Braunfels
302 West San Antonio street (at the railroad tracks!)
Horton Classic Car Museum CLOSED
Permanently CLOSED in 2023.
The Horton Classic Car Museum, is located in Nocona, Texas. With the city tagline as "The Classic Car Capital of Texas," you know this museum (and town) has to be worth a visit.
The Horton Classic Car Museum is located in Nocona, Texas. Nocona is about 90 miles north of Fort Worth, Texas.
Horton Classic Car Museum
115 West Walnut Street
Nocona, Texas 76255
Texas Transportation Museum
The Texas Transportation Museum is an all volunteer organization that collects, preserves and displays historically significant transportation equipment and related items. We operate a working passenger railroad, several model train layouts and many road vehicles. We provide an educational and entertaining experience which interprets how developments in transportation technology shaped and continue to impact daily life.
San Antonio
11731 Wetmore Road
San Antonio, Texas 78247
(210) 490-3554
Fri (9:00 AM to 3:00 PM)
Sat & Sun (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
The National WASP WWII Museum
The National WASP WWII Museum seeks to educate and inspire all generations with the story of the WASP: Women Airforce Service Pilots – the first women to fly American’s military aircraft – women who forever changed the role of women in aviation!
National WASP WWII Museum
210 Avenger Field Rd.- Exit 241 from Interstate Highway 20
Sweetwater, Texas
Visit the WASP Museum Website to learn more!
Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum
"The Railroad and Heritage Museum was founded in 1973 to collect, preserve and exhibit the history of the railroads and local history of Central Texas. The original collection was housed in the 1907 Moody Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe depot. In 1996, an ISTEA grant for renovating the Temple Santa Fe depot, which had been vacated by the railroad and was destined for demolition, was applied for and received. Three years later, in 1999, work on the restoration began. Dedication of the restored depot took place on July 8, 2000. The current home of the Museum is this beautifully restored depot."
Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Saturday: 10a - 4p
Sunday & Holidays: Closed
$4.00 (ages 13-59)
$3.00 (ages 60+)
$2.00 (ages 5-12)
Free admission for Active Military when presenting your current I.D.
315 West Avenue B
Temple, TX 76501
Phone: (254) 298-5172
No. 1 British Flying Training School Museum
"During World War II thousands of British pilots learned to fly at six civilian training schools in the United States. The first and largest of the schools was in Terrell, Texas. After the United States entered the war, American Aviation Cadets also trained at the school. More than 2,000 Royal Air Force and American Army Air Force pilots earned their wings over North Texas between 1941 and 1945. Terrell’s citizens welcomed the student pilots to their community and many life-long bonds were forged."
Four States Auto Museum
"Four States Auto Museum is situated in Texarkana, near the Arkansas-Texas border. This museum exhibits a collection of antique automobiles, along with automotive artifacts like photographs and documents. The museum features permanent collections, as well as special exhibits during certain times of the year. Gift items and souvenirs are available for sale at the museum's gift shop. The Four States Auto Museum is open Saturday and Sunday until 4 p.m. Private tours can be arranged with advanced notice." -Four States Auto Museum
Four States Auto Museum website
Lone Star Motorcycle Museum
The Lone Star Motorcycle Museum is located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country with beautiful motorcycling roads all around. They display a wonderful collection of machines from around the world dating from the 1910's to modern.
Lone Star Motorcycle Museum
36517 Hwy 187 North
Vanderpool, Texas 78885
Phone (830) 966-6103
Vintage Car Museum & Event Center
The Vintage Car Museum & Event Center is located in Weatherford, Texas. The museum opened in August, 2016.
The Vintage Car Museum & Event Center is located in Weatherford, Texas. Weatherford is about 30 miles west of Fort Worth, Texas.
The Vintage Car Museum & Event Center
100 Fort Worth Highway
Weatherford, TX 76086
Museum: (817) 550-6550
Event Center: (817) 550-6612