Car Meet at Church of the Open Door

event flier


Car Meet at Church of the Open Door

Waco, Texas

Date: (Sat) Dec 23, 2023

Car Meet at Church of the Open Door, fourth Saturday of the month, weather permitting.

900 TX-340 Loop, Waco, TX 76705

Filed under: Open Door Cruise Night, Waco Car shows, Waco car night, Waco car meet.

This is a monthly event. These events can be rescheduled, cancelled, or no longer valid. See disclaimer below and read our terms of use.

Also on MOTOR Texas:

Waco Attractions for Auto Enthusiasts

DISCLAIMER: We add show dates and descriptions as a convenience! Always always always visit the show sponsor's web site to verify dates and details!


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The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you're not going to stay where you are. -J.P. Morgan