Washington Gallery in Waco

By: James Wilder

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The Washington Gallery had its Grand Opening ceremony on May 24, 2024. Its first exhibit is titled "Road Trip to Waco." It's a celebration of Scott's journey to Waco, and a foundation to participate in, and build on, the growing art culture in Waco.

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As soon as I stepped in I was smitten with delight. How perfect does "Road Trip" and MOTOR Texas go together? Perfect.

The Road Trip theme, a brilliant red motorcycle, vintage neon sign art, pop art, and the books! Finally, we have books.

Along with the wonderful art, the gallery provides a much appreciated service of curating amazing books - books you will not find anywhere else in Waco. Alan curates every book on the tables and shelves. You could spend more time exploring the books as you do the art.

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Gallery owner Alan Scott discussing the business of art - how galleries and artists work together to make a sustainable career for the artist and a solid reputation for the gallery.

One of the goals of Washington Gallery is to "Educate and inspire upcoming artists." Alan is already delivering on this promise as he has given two informal talks at the gallery on the business of art.

Take a moment to view their new arrivals:

Washington Gallery
715 Washington Ave
Waco, TX 76701

James Wilder

James Wilder is the owner, writer, photographer, designer, and developer for MOTOR Texas.


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Washington Gallery in Waco

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