Old Waco Gas Station Unknown Brand
By: James Wilder
This is an interesting old gas station is located at 19th and Maple Ave. in Waco, Texas.
It is a box shaped building with a high peaked hip roof with no overhang. A flat canopy extends on the front of the building.
The high peaked hip roof, with no overhang, is unusual.
Because of the basic box design with hip roof, this gas station might date back to the 1920's or 1930's.
Many of the early gas stations were build to look like houses so they would fit in to the neighborhood.
If you have any additional information on this building, please feel free to contact us!
This gas station is located on the corner of 19th Street and Maple Avenue.
James Wilder
James Wilder is the owner, writer, photographer, designer, and developer for MOTOR Texas.