Magnolia Gas Station in Vega, Texas

By: jwilder

Magnolia Service Station Route 66 Vega Texas

This old Magnolia service station was build by Col J. T. Owen in 1924. It was the second service station built in Vega. It provided fuel and service to the local drivers as well those brave enough to travel on the Ozark Trail. Route 66 had not been established at this time.

Col. Owen was a civic leader and highway booster. He knew the positive economic potential that good roads and national highways would bring. While attending a Highway 66 convention in Amarillo in 1933 the Amarillo newspaper quoted him as saying "We haven't given up the fight for paving Highway 66 through Oldham County."

One of the stories told about this old service station was about Kenneth R. Lloyd. Kenneth leased the gas station in 1935 and actually married his wife in that very station. They lived on the second floor. There were only two rooms and a sink in their cozy upstairs home. They had to go downstairs to access the bathroom.

Route 66 was realigned in 1937 and bypassed the station.

Even though Route 66 was diverted it still operated as service station through 1953.

The service station was utilized as a barber shop until 1965.

The service station closed in the 1970s and remained vacant for decades. The front canopy was removed at some point due to widening the road in front of the station.

The owners of the station, H. M. (Bud) and Shirley Roark, donated the property to the Oldham County Historical Commission in 1990.

It was in pretty bad shape up until 2001 when the city wisely decided to restore it. The restoration was completed in August of 2004.

The Magnolia station now serves as a visitor center and an example of a successful restoration project that brings added attention and publicity for decades to come to the city of Vega.

As an added bonus, you can also check out the Quanah Parker Trail arrow was installed behind the service station August 5, 2014. These arrows are scattered all over north Texas. The huge arrows commemorate historical connections with the last Comanche Chief, Quanah Parker.


Magnolia Station and Visitors Center
222 N Main St (Coke St)
Vega, TX 79092

James Wilder

James Wilder is the owner, writer, photographer, designer, and developer for MOTOR Texas.


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