Bryan Texas
MOTOR Texas cruised to the Bryan - College Station area on May 17, 2014. The first thing we do is check out the old town area, and we were not disappointed! Bryan has done a good job at maintaining the historic buildings on North Main Street. We relaxed with a burger and beverage at the Chicken Oil Co. on the way out.

Historic LaSalle Hotel. "In May of 1999, LaSalle Hotel Limited decided to revive Bryan’s most historic hotel. After more than a year of careful renovations to preserve the original terrazzo flooring and windows, the hotel officially re-opened its doors in September of 2000 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places."

Historic La Salle Hotel.

Historic La Salle Hotel.

Historic La Salle Hotel.

Hotel Bryan.

First State Bank building.

First State Bank building.

First State Bank building.

First State Bank building.

Howell & Co. Wholesale Grocers building.

Howell & Co. Wholesale Grocers building.

Varisco building.

Varisco building.

Carnegie History Center.

Carnegie History Center.

The Ice House building, 800 North Main and MLK Jr, served as the main location for Bryan locals to pick up blocks of ice before refrigerators became commonplace.

Ice House building. 800 North Main.

Ice House building. Kind of spooky at night.

Spotted while we were at a stop sign.

Bryan Vikings water tower.

The Chicken Oil Co. Where the famous Luckey's rod run to the Chicken Oil Company meets once a year.

Chicken Oil Co.