Although not a steam train, the 442 diesel-electric is no spring chicken either! "The ALCO RSD-15 is a diesel-electric locomotive of the road switcher type built by ALCO (the American Locomotive Company) of Schenectady, New York between August 1956 and June 1960, during which time 75 locomotives were produced." You can read about this train and the 798 steam train at the link below.

The Austin Steam Train headquarters.

Park, and walk straight ahead through the wild west entrance. This is where you wait to board the Austin steam train. Of course you must get your tickets first.

Not a pretty shot, but this is a view from the head car looking back towards the boarding car.

Most of the view is your normal roadside landscape. Except for here where there was a whole pile of train track crossmembers. Not sure what that was about.

It didn't seem to take long to get to Bertram. Everybody had a chance to get out, snap photos and walk through the Bertram depot.

Adlake lock. Still in business after hundred and 50 years!

An actual train bell inside the Bertram depot.

I just liked this shot. Love the shadows and the light paper. For your viewing pleasure.

The next room of the Bertram depot. Yes, it was dark in there.

More Bertram depot.

Standing on the elevated platform around the Burtrum depot.

From the other side of the elevated platform around the Burtrum depot.

All aboard. Back on the train.

Now, here's the part we needed several hours for. Just looking at each one of these unique train cars was fascinating. Unfortunately you don't get a lot of time to wander around before or after the train stops.

Love the Art Deco light fixtures.

Now that's a solid door.

Looking down the hallway of the car we were on. To the right are private compartments, which are quite pricey.

Industrial design that can last centuries. Love it.

Never needs replacing.

Looks like he knows what he's doing. Most everybody at Austin Steam Train is a volunteer.

Some scenery on the way back, probably around Liberty Hill.

Take note! These are granite stones that were on their way to be part of the state Capitol building. However, some sort of train accident happened and they toppled off the train car. They have been here ever since.

Over the bridge across the river.

Not sure what that is but it's in Texas.

The rare time when you don't have to stop for a train, because you're on it!

Is this cool or what?

And even fresh flowers! Nice touch.

The curved couch. Unfortunately you can't see out the window from the curved couch. But you look good sitting on the curved couch.

More of a diner type train car. Still cool.

More art deco lighting.

Symbols of Santa Fe. Beautiful stainless steel and woodgrain.

Now that's a color combo. Looks awesome though.

California Zephyr. Silver pine.

Pullman 151.

Nickel Plate Road. City of Chicago.