McGregor Classic Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show

event flier


McGregor Classic Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show

McGregor, Texas

Date: (Sat) May 21, 2022

2nd Annual McGregor Classic Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show on May 21, 2022, at the Exchange & Events Center, located at 300 S. Jefferson Ave. in downtown McGregor (17 miles West of Waco on US Hwy. 84). All canned food and monetary donation benefit the McGregor Food Pantry, with a huge bake sale put on by the Crawford, Flat, Gatesville & McGregor Masonic Lodges, which will benefit the Masonic Charities. The contact info is on the flier, but I am the primary sponsor and can be contacted at or at (254) 495-1653.

DISCLAIMER: We add show dates and descriptions as a convenience! Always always always visit the show sponsor's web site to verify dates and details!


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He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. -Nietzsche