Texas Healey Roundup

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Texas Healey Roundup

Georgetown, Texas

Date: (Thu) Apr 04, 2024 to (Sun) Apr 07, 2024

The Texas Healey Roundup is an annual event hosted on a rotating basis by the three Texas Austin Healey clubs: South Texas, Gulf Coast, and North Texas Austin Healey Clubs. The three clubs have a combined membership of over 400 families representing more than 300 Austin Healeys. The 39th Annual Texas Healey Roundup, hosted this year by the South Texas Austin Healey Club (STAHC), will be held April 5-7, 2019, in Georgetown, Texas.

Georgetown is only minutes from Austin, Texas. Austin Healeys, manufactured form the 1950’s up through the late 1960’s, will be on display at the Town Square in downtown Georgetown. Other events will be a road rally through the beautiful Hill Country surrounding Georgetown, a Gymkhana, plus social and fellowship events all three days.

More Info: https://www.facebook.com/southtexasaustinheal...

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