Big Country Swap Meet

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Big Country Swap Meet

Abilene, Texas

Date: (Fri) Mar 31, 2023 to (Sat) Apr 01, 2023

Do not miss the finest swap meet in West Central Texas! The 11th Big Country Swap Meet in Abilene, Texas on March 31-April 1, features concrete surface. permanent, climate controlled restrooms and food concessions. RV Electrical hookup available in designated spaces, separate RV hookups for overnight campers. Lights and FM radio/PA systems. Pull through spaces available. Easy access for trailer rigs. Close to hotels and restaurants if you prefer. It may be the best swap meet experience you ever have! Pre registered spaces are $35, at the gate $40. Ask about our half-price Car Club Package, too!

Put it on your calendar NOW, and tell your car friends about us!
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The Big Country Swap Meet is the finest swapmeet in the West Central Texas area. It features all concrete surface, permanent restrooms and food service, and easy access. RV hookups available on site.

Held at the Big Country Raceway (Abilene Dragstrip) at 5601 W Stamford St, Abilene, TX

Always starts the last Friday in March!

The Big Country Swap Meet Story

"In the 1960's Abilene Texas was a hotbed of antique car activity. Some of the local car clubs got together to hold a swapmeet at the Fairgrounds in Abilene. In an attempt to be the first meet of the year, it was held in early February. For many, many years it marked the start of "Car Season"... but the cold weather was almost always a problem. As the club members aged and interest in restored antiques began to wain some, the organization and implementation of the meet got to be too much, and the swapmeet was shelved... Some of the kids of those original Abilene Swap Meet organizers remembered the meet vividly and noted the void of a serious swap meet in the West Central Texas area. They decided to make the effort to resurrect an Abilene Swapmeet."

Read the rest on the Big Country Swap Meet about page.

More Info:

DISCLAIMER: We add show dates and descriptions as a convenience! Always always always visit the show sponsor's web site to verify dates and details!


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